A comunidade boliviana em São Paulo: definindo padrões de territorialidade


Authors: Renato Cymbalista and Iara Rolnik Xavier
Research paper series:Cadernos Metrópole N.17
Year: 2007
Language: Portuguese

The 17th issue of "Cadernos Metrópole", six-month journal of sociology and urban planning, is dedicated to migration in metropolis. The article “A comunidade boliviana em São Paulo: definindo padrões de territorialidade” - written by Iara Rolnik Xavier and Renato Cymbalista, researchers of the Instituto Polis and partners of MIUrb/AL network - explores the peculiarities of Bolivians’ territorial incorporation within the city of São Paulo, stressing the invisibility of this community that, despite being large, is almost absent from the urban public spaces.

A comunidade boliviana em São Paulo: definindo padrões de territorialidade . PT

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