About MIUrb/AL

:: Justification
:: Background
:: The Research
:: Objectives
:: Expected results


In 2004-05 Università Iuav di Venezia, in collaboration with UN-HABITAT undertook research into Urban Policies and Practices Addressing International Migration. Based on the analysis of case studies of selected cities experiencing significant international migration inflows, the ultimate goal of the research initiative was to help developing urban policies and programmes that promote positive values of urban citizenship, with particular reference to international migrants in an urban setting. In September 2004 the research theme was presented at the 2nd World Urban Forum (WUF2) in Barcelona and in July 2005 the research results were published in the book “International Migrants and the City”. This publication contains policy recommendations based on extensive case studies of 10 cities, 6 of which are located in developing countries.

As follow-up, Università Iuav di Venezia is now going to undertake further research on the issue of South-to-South international migration by creating an "Experimental Observatory on International Migrations in Urban Areas of Latin America". This project has been selected for funding by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) within the framework of the “university internationalisation program”. The research project will be implemented in collaboration with researchers from Instituto Polis (Sao Paulo, Brazil), Colegio de la Frontera Norte (Tijuana, Mexico), Universidad de Chile (Santiago, Chile) and University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada).
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