Università degli Studi di Ferrara

Giuseppe Scandurra

Foto scandurra

Giuseppe Scandurra insegna Antropologia Culturale e della Comunicazione presso il Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici – Università di Ferrara. Ha pubblicato numerosi saggi e volumi in tema di antropologia urbana. Tra le sue ultime pubblicazioni “Tranvieri. Etnografia di una palestra di pugilato” (con F. Antonelli, Aracne 2010), “Memorie di uno spazio pubblico. Piazza Verdi a Bologna” (con E. Castelli, L. Tancredi e A. Tolomelli, Clueb 20011), “Tracce Urbane” (con A. Cancellieri, Franco Angeli 2012), “Antropologia e studi urbani” (Este Edition, 2013). Attualmente sta conducendo una ricerca su un gruppo di ultras del Bologna calcio e uno studio etnografico sul rapporto tra “Primavera Araba” e mondo dell’arte in Tunisia. Membro del comitato scientifico dell’Istituto Gramsci Emilia-Romagna, del gruppo di studio transdiciplinare “Tracce Urbane” (www. http://www.tracceurbane.professionaldreamers.net) e direttore del Laboratorio di StudiUrbani – Università di Ferrara (http://sea.unife.it/lsu)

Caterina Satta 

FotoCaterinaCaterina Satta, Ph.D in “Sociology: Intercultural Processes and Communication” and PostDoc at the University of Padua, is currently Senior Fellow at the University of Ferrara and has recently concluded an ethnographic research on young children’s participation in sport activities. She works in the field of the sociology of childhood and everyday life. Her main research interests are: Children’s Spatialities and socio-spatial processes of exclusion/inclusion; Child-Adult Relations in public space; Play, Sport and Urban Space. She is member of the Scientific Committee of the group of trans-disciplinary study “Tracce Urbane” (http://tracceurbane.it) and collaborates with the Research Groups “Children and Intergenerational Relationships” and “Children’s spaces and places” of the CSCY at the University of Sheffield (UK). Among her recent publications: Una città giusta è una città a misura di bambini? Note critiche su un immaginario urbano, in «Mondi Migranti», n. 1, 2014, pp. 83-99; Embodying citizenship. Children’s spatial and bodily experience in a Football Club Academy, in «Modern Italy», Vol. 20/3, 2015 (forthcoming).  

Ferdinando Fava

fotoFerdinando Fava, is an urban anthropologist and research fellow at the Laboratoire Architecture Anthropologie (LAA), a research lab that is part of the Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Paris La Villette and the CNRS research unit LAVUE (Laboratoire Architecture Ville Urbanisme Environment). He studied urban sociology at the University of California, Berkeley and completed his PhD at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris. He teaches Cultural Anthropology at the University of Padova, and is Guest Professor at various universities in France, the Netherlands, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba  and Argentina. He has published extensively in French and Italian on a public housing project in the economically deprived Zona Espansione Nord (ZEN) of Palermo, and his work addresses larger epistemological issues of social exclusion in urban areas. Among his recent publication: Fava F. (2014). Rénover du dedans ou de l’agency des résidents, In : DIDIER DEPONDS  et Alii (ed.) Les habitants : acteurs de la rénovation urbaine ?,  pp. 177-195, RENNES : Presses Universitaires de Rennes, ISBN : 978-2-7535-2894-9. Fava F. (2014). La scatola nera dello stigma. in : ARCHIVIO ANTROPOLOGICO MEDITERRANEO, anno XVI (2014), n. 16 (1), ISSN: 2038-3215, pp. 31-44.


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