International Events

The Project is articulated into a set of interlinked activities. Four international events will be held throughout the 24 months aimed at:

i) enhancing knowledge exchange and practices among cities

ii) developing a common understanding of similar challenges that differently impact on cities in Europe

iii) supporting local societies in the design of new policies and regulations in real-life scenarios with the active participation of citizens, particularly the ones usually excluded by decision making processes.

INTERNATIONAL EVENT 1 – “Restarting (from) European Cities: immigration and intercultural dialogue, from the global to the local”

Strasbourg (France), 28-29/11/2016

With the facilitation of the SSIIM Unesco Chair researchers citizens will discuss:

  • figures about migration and refugees VS myth and stigmatisation processes
  • European conventions/national legislation on migration
  • immigration situation in partner countries and causes of local radicalisation patterns

Through a collaborative workshop, all partners will identify conflicting areas in partner cities and will be trained on techniques of territorial analysis (see local paths-pilot projects).

Expected results:
All participants become aware about:

  • migration/refugees processes at EU level
  • the causes and effects of stigmatisation processes and radicalisation patterns at local level
  • conflicts, xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination aroused by the presence of migration/refugees in their cities
  • common challenges about migration at EU level that have different outcomes at national level
  • the presence and the main features of conflicting areas due to the presence of migration in the city

INTERNATIONAL EVENT 2 –“Reframing Urban cohesion in European cities: the diversity advantage”

Venice (Italy), May 2017 

The partners will exchange about the local paths implemented and lessons learnt will be shared in thematic focus groups. Common guidelines for the development of local pilot projects will be defined. Parallel training sessions will be held on tools to:

    • develop pilot projects to overcome stereotypes about immigrants
    • promote intercultural dialogue in participatory environment (open space technology, world café, urban living lab).

Event organised in coincidence and synergy with U-RISE master

Expected results:

    • Specific competences on conflict management, intercultural dialogue, active citizenship promotion are acquired
    • Competences on pilot project design and implementation are acquired
    • The kind of local resources to invest in the EU as an intercultural political space is shared
    • Knowledge exchange and mutual understanding among partners are facilitated
    • Active citizenship is promoted in partner cities/targeted areas
    • Tools to reduce radicalised behaviour, xenophobia, discrimination are exchanged

INTERNATIONAL EVENT 3 – “Reconstructing bridges within European cities: civic participation against socio-spatial stigmatisation and boundaries”

Mostar (Bosnia and Herzegovina), November 2017
Partners discuss about the pilot projects ideas developed at local level using SWOT analysis to revise them. Pilot projects will be adjusted according to guidelines developed during the 2nd international event. Each partner presents the local path experience in thematic focus groups on:

    • the effect of the local welfare constraints on social cohesion in cities
    • the link between social exclusion and euroscepticism
    • the effect of community based activities in building intercultural dialogue.

Expected results:

    • Pilot projects are discussed, evaluated and further elaborated according to common guidelines
    • Knowledge exchange and mutual understanding among partners is fostered
    • The role of local authorities in time of crisis is discussed and shared among different EU cities
    • The role of community based organisation in building intercultural dialogue is discussed and shared
    • The link between social exclusion and euroscepticism is discussed among different EU cities and countries’ experiences

INTERNATIONAL EVENT 4 –  “Reactivating European urban citizenship: a network of inclusive towns”

Athens (Greece), June 2018
Each partner will share the results of the pilot project implemented at city level. A module of exchange of good practices among partners is organised to maximise the development of local competencies. A presentation about the networking opportunities in Europe on interculturalism will be done (i.e. The Intercultural city network, etc.). In thematic workshops, each city develops a “city manifesto” on urban inclusion and the right to the city for newcomers to be presented at EU level.

Expected results:

    • Raised partners’ awareness on their role in shaping the intercultural future of the EU
    • Diminishment the negative effect of euroscepticism in the project participants
    • Enhanced collaboration among partners to be continued after the Project closure
    • Each city is aware about the networking opportunities for intercultural dialogue in Europe
    • City manifestos to build a common understanding about interculturalism, social inclusion, integration of migrants are produced and exchanged.
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