SSIIM Unesco Chair, Università Iuav di Venezia (Italy)
Marcello Balbo, SSIIM Chairholder
Professor of Urban Planning and Director of the Master Course ‘Urban Development and Reconstruction’ at Università Iuav di Venezia. Coordinator of ‘Small-size cities and social cohesion: policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of international migrants’ Project of Relevant National Interest (PRIN-MIUR) (2013-2016), Coordinator of Iuav Research Unit within ‘Managing International Urban Migration – Türkiye – Italia – España (MIUM-TIE)’, UE – Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Turkey (2008-2009 Project). Director of the Experimental Observatory on International Migration in Urban Areas of Latin America (MIUrb/AL) (2006-2008). Coordinator of the “Network-Association of European Researchers on Urbanization in the South” (N-Aerus) (2004-2006). He has been consulting for various multilateral and bilateral urban planning and management projects in different countries including Afghanistan, Cambodia, Eritrea, Somalia and Latin America. He is the author of several scientific articles and books on urbanization and local development in the South, the most recent including ‘La ciudad inclusiva’ (CEPAL, Santiago de Chile,2003) and ‘International Migrants and the City’, UN-Habitat e Università Iuav di Venezia (2005).
Giovanna Marconi, Assistant Professor
Architect (Iuav, 2001); Master degree in “urban Planning in Developing Countries” (Iuav, 2002), summer school degree in “Euro-Mediterranean Migration and Development” (EUI, 2007), PhD in “urban planning and public policies” (Iuav, 2012). The main focus of her research being south-to-south international migration, transit migration and urban inclusion of international migrants, she collaborated to several research projects on international migration, for most of them contributing to the writing of the proposals, among which: Urban policies and Practices Addressing International Migration, UN-HABITAT (2004-5, Project assistant); MIUrb/AL ‘Observatory on International Migration in Urban Areas of Latin America’, funded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Research within the programme ‘internationalization of Italian universities’ (2006-8, Researcher and coordinator assistant); MIUM-TIE: Managing International Urban Migration – Türkiye – Italia -España, funded by the EU Program ‘Promotion of the Civil Society Dialogue between European Union and Turkey’ (2008-9, junior researcher), ‘Small-size cities and social cohesion: policies and practices for the social and spatial inclusion of international migrants’ funded by the Italian Ministry for Education, University and Research (2013-1016, Researcher and coordinator assistant). She was: Visiting Professor at the Venice International University (3 months, 2014), visiting researcher at El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, Mexico (3 months, 2008) and at ‘MiReKoç’ the Migration Research Programme of Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey (2 months, 2009). Since 2008 she is peer reviewer for Archivio di Studi Urbani e Regionali (Urban and Regional Planning Archive), Franco Angeli, Milano. She is author of several papers and scientific articles on the urban dimension of international migration. Among the most recent:
– G. Marconi (2013), Border land Italy. In M. Balbo, A. Içduygu, J. P. Serrano (eds), “Countries of migrants, cities of migrants: Italy, Spain, Turkey”, Isis Press: Istanbul, pag. 29:55. (isbn: 978-975-428-474-4)
– G. Marconi (2012), Mexico and Turkey as Transit Countries. In Icduygu A., Sert D. (eds), “Borders under stress. The cases of Turkey-EU and Mexico-USA Borders”, Isis Press: Istanbul, pag.143:165. (isbn: 978-975-428-469-0)
– G. Marconi (2011), “Ciudades de tránsito, guardianes del primer mundo – entre desafíos, contradicciones y compromisos”. In: Malamud A., Carrillo Florez F. (a cura di) “Migrações, Coesão Social e Governação. Perspectivas Euro-Latino-Americanas”. LISBOA:Imprensa de Ciências Sociais, p. 71-98
contact: marconi@iuav.itElena Ostanel, Researcher
Undergraduate degree on International Relation and Human Rights, Padua University (2005), graduate degree on Local and International Cooperation and Development, Bologna University (2008), PhD in “urban planning and public policies” (Iuav, 2012). Her research work dealt with the case study of Via Anelli, Padova analyzing the governance and political framework within which the planning has been pursued. She has been collaborating in research work ” After Via Anelli, towards a new strategy for social and spatial inclusion for migrants witihni the City” (2007-2008) focuses on the impact of the policy process for the renewal of a marginalized community. At the moment, she is PHD candidate in Regional Planning and Public Policy at Iuav, University of Venice. Aside from her academic work, she is working as Project Manager in the area of international cooperation and development. She is also working as desk Angola for the italian NGO Doctors with Africa Cuamm.
Adriano Cancellieri, Researcher
Ph.D. in Sociology of Communicative and Intercultural Processes in the Public Sphere (Department of Sociology, University of Padua – 2007). He has been working for the Department of Sociology, University of Padua (as research fellow from 2007 to 2011). He also obtained the Master Degree “Specialist in Urban and Territorial Politics” from University of Urbino. He worked as researcher in European projects (‘Wave Project: Welfare and Values in Europe – 6th framework 2006-2009) and in several public and private institutions such as Veneto Lavoro (Veneto Region), Coses (Venice Province), Regional Council of Marche Region, Dossier Caritas Roma and LaPolis/Laboratorio di Politiche Sociali (University of Urbino). He is a founder of “Tracce Urbane/Urban Traces. Social Scientists and urbanists in dialogue”, national network of young urban scholars. He wrote books, essays and articles about urban transformations, in particular on the interaction between the construction and the use of space and the (de)constrution of social boundaries and senses of belonging. Selected publications:
– Cancellieri, A. 2013 “Hotel House”, Professionaldreamers – Cancellieri A. e Scandurra G., (eds) (2012), Tracce urbane. Alla ricerca della città, Franco Angeli, Milano.
– Cancellieri, A. 2011, «La città e le differenze. Battaglie per il senso del luogo e valorizzazione del welfare space», in Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, n.1, pp. 83-91.
– Cancellieri, A. 2010, «Come sopravvivere alla differenza. Etnografia dei confini sociali in uno spazio multiculturale», in Etnografia e ricerca qualitativa, n. 1, pp. 11-36.
contact: adriano.cancellieri@iuav.itSimona Morini, Associate Professor
Simona Morini teaches Decision theory and Philosophy of science at IUAV University in Venice. Her most recent book (forthcoming in march) is “Risk. From Pascal to Fukushima” (Casa Editrice Bollati Boringhieri). She is at the moment the IUAV director of the “Agora Project” ( for the Villa Mediterranée, Marseille.
Leonardo Ciacci, Associate Professor
Leonardo lives and works in Venice, were he teaches Theories of town planning and Urban design at Università IUAV di Venezia, Dept. of Design and Planning in complex environments (DPPAC). His main research field is oriented towards experiments of narrative of urban and planning design through video languages. Since 1999 he is editor of the magazine: “Urban and Planning Movies Archives”, in « », since 2001 scientific curator of the Videoteca IUAV. He is member of “Consulta Regionale” of the FAI Veneto (Italian National Trust). Among his research works: (1987 – 1990) Films for modern living,1920-1939. The diffusion of new urban models through documentary films; (2004-2008) Filmed documents on the life and work of Giovanni Astengo; (2008-2010) Neighbourhoods designs of the XX° century on the test of time; (2009-2010) The use of video in urban design and planning; (2012-2014) Re- Starting From The Culture And The Artistic Heritage. Special Earthquake Project, IUAV – Arci National Civil Service. How to prepare a movie database aimed to produce a documentation of the damage caused by the earthquake in Emilia as an instrument for reconstruction planning instruments end policies for reconstruction, in four small local villages. Selected publications:
– 2010, Cinema works wonders: analysis, history and town plan united in a single representation e The country that becomes metropolis: a video camera, a script and a pc editing programme transform an occasion to describe a regional area in north-east Italy into a means of discovering it, in Sandercock L., Attili G., eds (2010), Multimedia and Planning: an exploration of the next frontier, Springer, Heidelberg 2010;
– 2012, centro storico, dopo il terremoto. Esperienze didattiche di progettazione urbanistica nei comuni di Concordia sulla Secchia Medolla, Novi di Modena e San Felice sul Panaro, in IUAV Giornale dell’Università n. 127
Contact: ciacci@iuav.itPaola Piscitelli, PHD candidate in Public Policy and Regional Planning
I graduated cum laude at the MSc. in Urban Planning and Policy Design at the Politecnico of Milan in July 2013 and I have just completed a Master in “COOPERATION (C)TION. Knowledge and skills for sustainable cities in the Global South”.
My interests related to urban policies and practices with particular reference to urban migration issues and informal contexts, co-development, participatory planning and processes of local activation led me to participate and collaborate on research experiences in international group, such as the workshop organized by ASF- UK ” ChangeByDesign2013″, in Quito, Ecuador.
I am currently a PhD student in “Urban Planning and Public Policies” (first year) at the University IUAV of Venice, with a project on the relationship between transnational migration and urban development, strongly oriented to the use of interdisciplinary and alternative methods such as photography and video – making.
CEG Centro de Estudio Geográficos, Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
Jorge Malheiros, Associate professor
Researcher of the Centre for Geographical Studies and associate professor in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon. For the past 20 years, his research interests have focused in the domains of international migration, integration and urban social features, namely the issues of transnational practices, spatial segregation, housing access, women’s migration and social innovation. Has published several books, articles and book chapters in Portugal and abroad addressing the aforementioned topics. Has participated and coordinated several projects on social and economic integration of immigrants in Portuguese and Southern European cities and has worked as consultant and facilitator for EQUAL programme (Portugal) and the Portuguese High-Commissariat for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue (ACIDI). Is member of the editorial board of Amsterdam University Press (Col. Migration-IMISCOE), of the Scientific Board of the Portuguese Emigration Observatory (Observatório da Emigração) and from 2002 is the Portuguese correspondent in SOPEMI (Systéme de Observation Permanente des Migrations Internationales – OCDE). Selected publications:
– 2012, “Etnicização residencial e nobilitação urbana marginal: processo de ajustamento ou prática emancipatória num bairro do centro histórico de Lisboa?” in Sociologia – Revista da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, temático1/2012, Porto, pp.97-128. ( (with Luís Mendes and Rui de Carvalho).
– 2012, “Immigrants’ Residential Mobility, Socio-ethnic Desegregation Trends and the Metropolises Fragmentation Thesis: the Lisbon example” in Nissey, F. & Catney, G., Minority Internal Migration in Europe, Farnham, Surrey, Ashgate, pp.65-88.
– 2010, “Inmigración y dinámica de las ciudades de acogida: prácticas urbanísticas y innovación socio-espacial” in UNESCO, Como potenciar la inclusión social y espacial de los migrantes internacionales en nuestras ciudades: el punto de vista de los varios actores, 61, UNESCO, Paris, pp. 178 – 187.
Bárbara Ferreira, researcher
Bárbara Ferreira is a researcher of the Centre for Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon and a collaborator of SOCIUS (Research Centre in Economic and Organizational Sociology) of the School of Economics and Management (ISEG – University of Lisbon). She holds a degree on Political Science and International Relations completed at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), a master’s degree in Development and International Cooperation (ISEG – University of Lisbon) and is currently taking her Ph.d. on Economic and Organizational Sociology at the School of Economics and Management (ISEG – University of Lisbon).
Her research interests lie in the areas of democratic governance, active citizenship, urban and social exclusion, local sustainable development and international migrations. She has been a fellow researcher on a project about public housing policies and social housing in Portugal from 2011 to 2013 (REHURB Project – Science and Technology Foundation). In 2014 she has been a junior researcher on a project about Portuguese emigration and its relation to the Portuguese society (REMIGR Project – Science and Technology Foundation). Her Phd thesis seeks to explore citizen participation and local development in deprived urban areas of the Lisbon Metropolitan Area.
Selected publications:
– Ferreira, Bárbara (forthcoming), “Potencialidades e desafios de uma Governança Participativa: os Grupos Comunitários do Bairro Padre Cruz e Bairro da Horta Nova”, in: Manual do Habitat, coord. Eduardo Ascensão e Jorge Malheiros
– Pedro Candeias, Bárbara Ferreira e João Peixoto (forthcoming), “Emigração Portuguesa: o que temos vindo a estudar e o que nos falta saber – uma análise bibliométrica entre 1980 e 2013”, a publicar em População e Sociedade
– Ferreira, Bárbara; Monteiro, Isabel; Filho, Eduardo; Gonçalves, Raquel (2014), “Altermundialismo, Novos Movimentos Sociais e a Economia Solidária”, a publicar em Revista de Economia Solidária, nº 6, ISSN: 1647-5968
Marina Carreiras, Junior researcher
Marina Carreiras is an architect formed in the Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal and master’s degree student of Spatial Planning and Urbanism in the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning of the University of Lisbon (IGOT-UL). She started working as junior researcher in 2011 in the Centre for Geographical Studies, University of Lisbon (CEG-UL) in the project REHURB – Rehousing and Urban Regeneration and is currently working in the project Orquestra Geração – Impact 2.0 and in the study“History of urban areas of Illegal Genesis– lessons and description of a process”. Her research interests focus on social housing,migrations, urban geography and transformations in urban space.
Selected publications:
– (2013): “Bairros sociais: entre a segregação e a fragmentação urbana” in Pinto, N. N.; Almeida, A.(Eds), Book of Abstracts of PNUM 2013, the 2013 Annual Conference of Portuguese Network of Urban Morphology, Coimbra, June 27 and 28, ISBN 978-989-98435-1-6, Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Coimbra, Coimbra: 769 – 779
– (2013): “Social mix, utopia or reality: the Portuguese case” in Cescontexto, 2, 16:32, ISBN: 2192-908X, Centro de Estudos Sociais, Coimbra (with Anselmo Amílcar, Jorge Malheiros and Bárbara Ferreira)
– “Problemas e desafios emergentes da habitação social: Uma reflexão sobre a (in)sustentabilidade da habitação pública”, in: Actas da 1.ª Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano & 11.º Workshop APDR – Território, Mercado Imobiliário e Habitação, ISBN: 978-972-789-359-1, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro (with Anselmo Amílcar and Jorge Malheiros)
Sónia Pereira, Post-doc researcher
Sonia Pereira holds a PhD in Human Geography, an MA in Migration Studies and a Bsc in Economics. Her PhD thesis looked at the impact of new immigration inflows on already established immigrants in the Portuguese labour market. She is currently a post-doc researcher for THEMIS – theorizing the evolution of European migration systems – a Norface funded research project where she has been engaged in cross-country comparative research involving Portugal, the UK, Netherlands, Norway (destination countries) and Brazil, Ukraine and Morocco (origin countries). Sonia Pereira has also been involved in other research projects including: REHURB – Rehousing and Urban Regeneration – (funded by FCT, Portugal) and Cities Cultural Policies in the context of immigrant related diversity: towards a Mediterranean Approach (funded by the Anna Lindh Foundation).
Selected publications:
– Pereira, S. (forthcoming, Spring 2013). “Replacement Migration and Changing Preferences: The Case Of Immigrant Workers In Cleaning and Domestic Service In Portugal”. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.
– Van Meeteren, M. and Pereira, S. (2013). “The differential role of social networks: strategies and routes in Brazilian migration to Portugal and the Netherlands”, IMI Working Paper Series No. 66, Oxford.
– Pereira, S. and Siqueira S. (2012). “O papel do retorno na migração internacional Brasileira: evidência da Europa e Estados Unidos”. (The role of return in international Brazilian migration: Evidence from Europe and the United States). Anais [recurso eletrônico] / XVIII. Encontro Nacional de Estudos Populacionais: transformações na população brasileira: complexidades, incertezas e perspectivas,19 a 23 de novembro de 2012 / Águas de Lindóia, SP: ABEP, 2012.
Contact: sonia.pereira@campus.ul.ptPedro Guimarães, PhD candidate
Pedro is a geographer with a master in geography and spatial planning. Currently is taking a PhD in geography in the Lisbon University. The main subject of the research is the retail planning policies undertaken in the Portuguese national context, alongside with interest in the various topics within urban geography.
Selected publications:
– GUIMARÃES, P. P. (2013), The tools for city centre revitalization in Portugal, Journal of Place Management and Development, Vol.6, Nº. 1, pp.52-66.
– GUIMARÃES, P. P. (2012), Retail Transformation and Old Retailers: Can They Adapt to Change?, Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning, Vol.3, Nº2, pp. 121-127.
– GUIMARÃES, P. P. (2011), Os impactos, provenientes da implantação de dois novos centros comerciais, para a cidade de Braga, in Trunfos de uma geografia activa, Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra e CCDRC, Coimbra, pp. 461-468
– GUIMARÃES, P. P.; MATOS, F.; BARATA-SALGUEIRO, T. (2011), Os comerciantes como actores da resiliência das áreas comerciais, Retail Planning for the resilient city- consumption and urban regeneration (coord. Teresa Barata Salgueiro e Herculano Cachinho), Lisboa, Centro de Estudos Geográficos, pp. 105-124
– GUIMARÃES, P. P. (2011), Intervindo no centro das cidades: o papel dos programas de urbanismo comercial, CD de comunicações, Lisboa, APGEO. ISBN: 978-972-99436-4-5
Contact: Pedroguimaraes1980@gmail.comAnselmo Amilcar, PhD Candidate/ junior researcher
Anselmo is a geographer with a master’s degree in urban studies. His main research interests focus on the domains of housing, mainly social housing, and social interactions and public spaces. For the last two years has been working as researcher in the Centre of Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon, within the project REHURB – Rehousing and Urban Regeneration.
Selected publications:
– FERREIRA, Bárbara; AMÍLCAR, Anselmo; CARREIRAS, Marina; MALHEIROS, Jorge; RAPOSO, Rita (2012): “Das Metrópoles às cidades médias: Cartografias geográficas e mediáticas dos bairros sociais em Portugal” in: Livro de actas do XIII Colóquio Ibérico de Geografia – Resposta da Geografia Ibérica à crise atual, Santiago de Compostela, 24 a 27 de outubro de 2012.
– AMÍLCAR, Anselmo; CARREIRAS, Marina; MALHEIROS, Jorge (2012): “Problemas e desafios emergentes da habitação social: Uma reflexão sobre a (in)sustentabilidade da habitação pública”, in: Actas da 1.ª Conferência de Planeamento Regional e Urbano & 11.º Workshop APDR – Território, Mercado Imobiliário e Habitação, ISBN: 978-972-789-359-1, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro.
– AMÍLCAR, Anselmo; CARREIRAS, Marina; MALHEIROS, Jorge; FERREIRA, Bárbara (2011): “Notas sobre política de habitação em Portugal” in: VIII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa – Repensar a Geografia para novos desafios, ISBN: 978-972-99436-4-5, Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos, Lisboa.
– CARREIRAS, Marina; AMÍLCAR, Anselmo; FERREIRA, Bárbara; MALHEIROS, Jorge (2011): “Notas sobre a situação da Habitação social em Portugal – características, potencialidades e problemas”, in: VIII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa – Repensar a Geografia para novos desafios, ISBN: 978-972-99436-4-5, Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos, Lisboa.
– FERREIRA, Bárbara; MALHEIROS, Jorge; AMÍLCAR, Anselmo; CARREIRAS, Marina (2011): “Políticas de habitação e habitação social: reflexões exploratórias e algumas inquietudes”, in: VIII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa – Repensar a Geografia para novos desafios, ISBN: 978-972-99436-4-5, Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos, Lisboa.
Contact: anselmo.amilcar@gmail.comAna Estevens, Research fellow
PhD student in Human Geography at the Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning, about the relation between city and conflict in capitalist post-industrial cities, and researcher of the Center of Geographical Studies of the University of Lisbon. Her interests walking between the city, public space, arts and culture.
Selected publications:
– Estevens, A., Agostinho, M e Neuparth, S. (2012) “Querido, mudei a cidade!” in Le Monde Diplomatique (versão portuguesa) Dezembro de 2012, nº 74 II Série
– Estevens, Ana (2011), “Xino e underground ou o Raval dos artístas?” in VIII Congresso da Geografia Portuguesa – Repensar a geografia para novos desafios (CD-ROM). Lisboa : Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos – IGOT Universidade de Lisboa, 2011.
– Estevens, Ana (2011), “An analysis of urban social conflict in the post-industrial city” in Eckardt, F. and Morgado, F. (Eds.), 2011, “Understanding the Post-Industrial City”, Bauhaus Urban Studies, Band 4, Königshausen & Neumann, Weimar.
– Estevens, Ana e Carmo, André (2008), “Fear, space and social cohesion in the Lisbon Metropolitan Area” in “XI EURA Conference – Learning Cities in a Knowledge Based Society”. 9-11 October 2008. Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Planificazione.
Contact: anaestevens@gmail.comJosé da Costa Ramos, PhD candidate
José is an economist with a MsC in urban studies, actually taking a PhD on Geographical Studies on Lisbon University with a grant from Fundação da Ciência e Tecnologia; Neither rhyme nor reason – migrants, public space and cyberspace is the tentative title of the thesis.
Selected publications:
– Inclusion. citizenship and new technologies, Lisbon: Sílabo, 2007
– Steve Jobs: a triptyque – Lisbon: Brotéria, 2010 (journal article)
– Real, Virtual and the Mirror in Aleph of Jorge Luis Borges in Cyberculture and Fiction – Lisbon Documenta 2012
contact: josecostaramos@gmail.comIDAES Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales, Universidad Nacional de San Martin, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Alejandro Grimson, Dean of IDAES
Dr. Grimson is an Argentine anthropologist. He received his PhD from the Universidad Nacional de Brasília and is now Dean of the Instituto de Altos Estudios Sociales of the Universidad Nacional de San Martín in Argentina, where he is also a Professor. He is also a Researcher for the Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Dr. Grimson’s work focuses on urban issues and Argentine identity. He has studied migration processes, frontier zones, social movements, cultural politics, identity and interculturalism. His first book, Relatos de la diferencia y la igualdad: los bolivianos en Buenos Aires (2005, EUDEBA), won the FELALACS prize for best dissertation in Latin America. After publishing La nación y sus límites: Contrabandistas Y Exiliados en la Frontera Argentina-Brasil (2003, Gedisa), Interculturalidady comunicación (2000, Grupo Editorial Norma), and compilations such as La cultura e la crisis latinoamericana, the Argentine state awarded him the Bernardo Houssey Prize, given to the most important researchers in Latin America. His most recent book, Los límites de la cultura: Crítica de las teorías de la identidad (2011, Siglo Veintiuno Editores), was awarded the Iberoamerican Prize for best book in 2012, by the Latin American Studies Association.
Natália Gavazzo, Lecturer and researcher
Natalia Gavazzo is PhD in Anthropology (FFyL – UBA, Argentina), MA in Latin American Studies (University of London, United Kingdom) and BA in Anthropology (FFyL – UBA, Argentina). She is also Lecturer and CONICET Postdoctoral Scholar at the Universidad Nacional de San Martin (IDAES-UNSAM). Since 1999 she researchs different aspects of intra- regional migration to Argentina; from dance practices, activism and communitarian relationships, to the (trans)nationalism, associativism and public policies. Her current research project focuses on the identifications of the Second-generation Bolivians and Paraguayans in Buenos Aires in comparison with two other Argentinean cities, and on the impact of those identifications on their ways of participation in organizations and collective actions within the contexts of both communities.
Selected publications:
– GAVAZZO (2012) “Hijos de bolivianos y paraguayos en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Identificaciones y participación, entre la discriminación y el reconocimiento” Tesis doctoral. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Buenos Aires.
– CANELO, B.; GALLINATI, C.; GAVAZZO, N.; GROISMAN, L.; NEJAMKIS, L. (2012) “¡Todos con Evo! El voto boliviano en Buenos Aires” – Lafleur, J.M. (Ed.) Diásporas y voto en el exterior. La participación política de los emigrantes bolivianos en las elecciones de su país de origen. CIDOB edicions, Barcelona.
– GAVAZZO (2011) “Acceso Diferencial a la Ciudad: Identificaciones y Estereotipos entre los Hijos de Inmigrantes Bolivianos y Paraguayos en Buenos Aires” – SSIIM Paper Series, Nº 7 SSIIM UNESCO Chair – Universitá Iuav di Venezia, Italia.
– GAVAZZO (2011) ”Oportunidades políticas para la participación de los migrantes: el caso de las organizaciones de latinoamericanos en la Argentina” – En: Malamud, A; Carrillo Flórez, F. Migracoes, Coesao Social e Governacao. Perspectivas Euro-Latino-Americanas. Instituto de Ciencias Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa. Portugal.
Contact: navegazzo@yahoo.comSantiago Canevaro, Researcher at CONICET (National Council of Scientific and Technical)
BA in Sociology, Master of Social Anthropology and PhD in Sociales.Actualmente is Research Assistant of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONICET) at the University of San Martin and Professor of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences. His area of interest includes topics related to migration processes, intercultural relations, ethnicity and class in the relations between domestic workers and their employers. Also is a member of the project “Processes of legitimation of inequality in Argentina today” (PICT / UNSAM) led by Dr. Alejandro Grimson and the Center for Studies on Middle Classes at the Institute for Economic and Social Development. Moreover is a member of the Research Network “Feminization of housework: Perspectives decolonial on affection, domestic labor and migration in a transnational context”.
Selected publications:
– Canevaro, S. “Empleadas y empleadoras del servicio doméstico en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: afectos, saberes y proximidades en la configuración de la gestión del cuidado de niños en el hogar”, libro coeditado por el CIESAS y el EGAP/Tec de Monterrey, México (2012, en prensa)
– Canevaro, S. “Migración y permanencia de la comunidad peruana. Trayectorias de mujeres peruanas en el servicio doméstico de Buenos Aires (1990-2008), en Proyectos y trayectorias migratorias, mercados laborales y políticas en perspectiva comparada, Editorial Ciccus, Buenos Aires. (en prensa)
– Canevaro, Santiago. “En busca de una empleada doméstica: redes, intimidad y confianza entre las empleadoras del servicio doméstico en Buenos Aires”, Revista SOCIEDAD, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Editorial Eudeba, Universidad de Buenos Aires – Canevaro, Santiago. “Cambios y continuidades en la nueva ley del servicio doméstico: entre el afecto y el contrato”, Colección Sindicalismo y Sociedad, Revista HOSA, Archivo General de la Nación (2012, en prensa)
– Canevaro, S. y Gavazzo N. “Cuerpos migrantes, Comunidades crea(c)tivas. Reflexiones en torno a las identidades y performances bolivianas y peruanas en Buenos Aires. Revista Espaço Plural, Revista da Universidade do Paraná (disponible en:, año 2009.
Contact: sancanevaro@gmail.comSergio Andrés Kaminker, Phd Candidate in Sociology in IDAES/UNSAM- and scholar in CENPAT/CONICET
Sergio carries outs his research on residential segregation and migration in Puerto Madryn, a city of central Patagonia. He also takes part in takes part in programs of postcolonial theory, feminism and frontier thought, afro descendants and African community studies in Argentina. With experience in migration and refugee policy, he also cooperates with some public local agencies in ways to understand and fight against local prejudice and ways of enhancing and processing statistics and spatial analysis.
Selected publications:
– 2012. “Déficit habitacional, mercado inmobiliario y Estado en la ciudad de Puerto Madryn”, II Jornadas Interfacultades. Ciencia, Transdisciplina y Sociedad, Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco, Sede Trelew, Argentina.
– 2011. “La dimensión racial en el análisis de la segregación residencial urbana en Puerto Madryn, Chubut”, Papeles de Trabajo- Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Etnolingüística y Antropología Socio-Cultural N° 22, Rosario,
– 2009. “El relato viviente del aniquilamiento. La carga de sobrevivir. Sobre los refugiados colombianos y su lugar en la historia. Muerte y desplazamiento.” en el XXVII Congreso ALAS 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
– 2008. “El miedo como estructurador del espacio y las relaciones sociales en el barrio del Abasto”, V Jornadas de Sociología, Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
– Kaminker, S., C. Ramil y J. Trovero 2008. “Del Mercado del Abasto Proveedor al Abasto Shopping. Transformación y Segregación Socioespacial”, II Congreso Latinoamericano de Antropología, San José, Costa Rica.
Contact: de Investigaciones Dr. José María Luis Mora, Mexico City, Mexico
Leticia Calderón Chelius, Researcher & professor
PHD in Social Sciences, FLACSO, expert in migration issues, member of Mexican Academy of Sciences and National System of Research, coordinator of the web
Selected publications:
– CALDERÓN CHELIUS, Leticia, Los súper héroes no existen. Los migrantes mexicanos ante las primeras elecciones en el exterior, México, Instituto Mora, 2010, ISBN: 978-607-7613-41-1
– CALDERÓN CHELIUS, Leticia, “Migración en México, coordenadas de un proceso socio-histórico” En Red Nacional Género y Economía, Mujeres, Migración y Seguridad Ciudadana, pp. 17-24, Heinrich Böll Stiftung/ Red Género y Economía, 2012
– CALDERÓN CHELIUS, Leticia,” Cambios en la agenda migratoria: entre el nuevo marco jurídico y las nuevas formas de migración en México” En, Manuel Ángel DEL CASTILLO y Telésforo RAMÍREZ GARCÍA (Coords. ) El estado de la migración. México ante los recientes desafíos de la migración internacional., México, CONAPO, ISBN 968-607-427-162-1, 2012
– CALDERÓN CHELIUS, Leticia y Andrea González Cornejo: “Rastros del duelo”: exilio, asilo político y desplazamiento forzado interno en la frontera norte de México”, En Dolores PARIS POMBO (Coord.) , Migrantes, desplazados, braceros y deportados. Experiencias migratorias y prácticas políticas, México, COLEF, ISBN 978-607-9224-72-1, 2012,
– CALDERÓN CHELIUS, Leticia, “O que há por trás do Direito ao Voto dos Emigrantes Internacionais? Teoria, História e Cidadania Demandante”, Contexto Internacional, (Pontifica Universidad católica de Río de Janiero/ Instituto de Relaçòes Internacionais), Vol 33 n 1, janeiro- junho 2011, pp. 231-249
– Lafleur, Jean-Michel y Leticia Calderón-Chelius, “Assessing Emigrant Participation in Home Country Elections: The Case of Mexico’s 2006 Presidential Election”, International Migration, OIM, Special Issue: The Transnational Political Participation of Latino Migrants in Europe, Volume 49, Issue 3, pages 99–124, June 2011
contact: del Castillo Troncoso, Researcher and Professor
PHD in History, EL COLEGIO DE MEXICO; Expert in Social and Cultural History of Photography in Mexico; Member of Mexican Academy of Sciences, National Sistem of Research, and Latinamerican Oral History Asociation; Coordinator of the National Seminary “La Mirada documental”, Escuela Nacional de Antropologia e Historia; Visiting schoolar in New School University of New York (2000) and Invited Professor in University of Toulouse-Le Mirail ( 2011 ); Author of 120 papers and conferences presented in México, Northamerica, Latinamerica and Europe.
Selected publications:
– Las mujeres de Xoyep. La historia detrás de la fotografía. Premio Nacional de Ensayo sobre Fotografia 2013. Consejo nacional para La Cultura y Las Artes ( CONACULTA )
– Ensayo sobre el movimiento estudiantil de 1968 en México. La fotografía y la construcción de un imaginario, Instituto Mora/Instituto de Investigaciones Sobre La Universidad y La Educación, México, 2012
-“La fotografía y la revolución mexicana. Nuevas perspectivas y enfoques”, en: Caravelle. Cahiers du monde hispanique et luso-brasilien num. 97, Presses universitaires du Miralil, 2011.
– Rodrigo Moya. Una Mirada documental. Ediciones El Milagro/La Jornada, México, 2011 ( Premio García Cubas del Instituto Nacional de Antropologia e Historia )
-“ Images and representations of childhood in Mexico in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries”, en: Diskurs Kindheits-und Jugendsforschung, num. 3, Berlin, 2010
contact: Martinez Delgado, PhD candidate in Contemporary and modern history
Gerardo Martinez was born in Aguascalientes, México, in 1979. Historian. Has written Cambio y proyecto urbano. Aguascalientes 1880-1914 (UAA/Universidad Javeriana/Banamex, 2009). He was professor at University of Aguascalientes, at the History Department, and for master degree of public spaces design (2003-2009). Founder and member of College of Social Studies of Aguascalientes AC, where he leads the research line “Regional Development and Urban Studies” (2008-). He was awarded by the Mexican Committee of Historical Sciences (2008) and obtained a honorific mention of Banamex Prize Atanasio G. Saravia of Regional Mexican History (2007). In 2012 did a research residency in Department of Geography at University of Barcelona. Currently he studies to obtain a PhD degree at the Research Institute Dr. José María Luis Mora, and his main research lines are developed in the fields of history and images, urban history and elites.
Selected publications:
– G. Martínez y M. Bassols (Eds), (2013, in press) Ciudades poscoloniales en México. Transformaciones del espacio urbano, Red Nacional de Investigación Urbana / Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México.
– G. Martínez (2013), “Los estudios sobre ciudades en el 54º Congreso Internacional de Americanistas”, in Biblio 3W. Revista electrónica de Geografía y Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Barcelona (ISSN 1138-9796), vol. XVIII, n. 1008, january 2013.
– G. Martínez (2011), “En busca de la ciudad invisible: habitación, barrio e itinerarios urbanos en los márgenes de Aguascalientes a principios del siglo XX”, in: Estudios de historia cultural. Difusión y pensamiento,
– G. Martínez (2009), Cambio y proyecto urbano. Aguascalientes 1880-1914, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana / Fomento Cultural Banamex / Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes, México, 399 p.
– G. Martínez (2007), “Élite, proyecto urbano y fotografía. Un acercamiento a la ciudad de Aguascalientes a través de imágenes, 1880-1914”, in Secuencia. Revista de historia y ciencias sociales, Instituto Mora, n. 67, january-april 2007, p. 145-181.
contact: gerardo.mexcol@gmail.comACMS African Centre for Migrations and Society, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Loren Landau, Director of ACMS
With a background in political science and development studies, his work focuses on human mobility, development, and sovereignty. Completed projects focused on Immigration, Transit and Urban Transformation: A Comparative Study of Post-Apartheid Migration and Urbanisation in Lubumbashi, Maputo, and Johannesburg (2006-2009) being part of an research programme on “International Migration, Territorial Recomposition and Development in Africa” funded by the French Department of Foreign Affairs and coordinated by the French Institute of Research for Development. In late 2010, the Department for International Development of the United Kingdom approved funding for a research consortium entitled: ‘Migrating out of Poverty’. Coordinated by the University of Sussex, the consortium has five core partners including the ACMS. Loren Landau published numerous articles on immigration issues, his latest book came out in 2008 The Humanitarian Hangover: Displacement, Aid and Transformation in Western Tanzania. (Johannesburg: Wits University Press) further info:
Alex Wafer, Visiting Researcher at ACMS
I am currently part of the Global Divercities project with Max Planck Institute of Religious and Ethnic Diversity. For this, I am undertaking research on migration, diversity and public spaces in Hillbrow, Johannesburg.
Latest publications:
– 2012 Benit-Gbaffou, C., Fourchard, L. and Wafer, A. Local Politics and the Circulation of Community Security Initiatives, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research
– 2012 Wafer, A. Discourses of Infrastructure and Citizenship in Post-Apartheid Soweto, Urban Forum 23 (2)
contact: alexwafer@gmail.comPeter Kankonde Bukasa, Researcher and PhD Fellow
Peter is a Congolese (DRC) national. He is currently researcher and advanced PhD candidate in migration and Displacement at both the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS), University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, and the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Germany. He also co-ordinates the Religion and Migration Research Initiative at ACMS. Peter obtain his first LLB degree in public law from the University of Kinshasa before studying toward a B.A. Honours and Master Degrees in forced migration studies from the African Centre for Migration and Society (ACMS), University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. His research interests include migrants’ socio-cultural and political transnational belonging and modes of participation, the role of religion in migrants’ integration and social life, and super-diversity issues in host societies migrant populated areas. His PhD research project, titled: The Business of Integration: Super-diversity, Migrant Religious Entrepreneurship, and Social Transformation in Post-Apartheid South Africa, analyzes Congolese and Nigerian migrant Pentecostal churches’ legitimating and social reproduction processes in the current South African context of socially fragmentation, xenophobia, and religiously segmented society.
Selected publications
– Kankonde Bukasa Peter (2011) The Ties That Bind and Bond: Socio-Cultural Dynamics and Meanings of Remittances among Migrants, Lambert Academic Publishing (Cone, Germany)
– Kankonde Bukasa Peter (2010) Transnational Ties, Remittance Motives and Social Death among Congolese migrants: a Socio-Anthropological Analysis, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, Vol. 41, No 2 pp 225-244
Contact: Vearey, Senior Researcher
Jo Vearey is an urban public health researcher with an interest in migration and health, social determinants of health, HIV, sex work, and local level responses. She holds aPhD in Public Health from the University of the Witwatersrand (2010); her PhD research focused on the development of a revised urban health framework to guide local level responses to urban health in low-income country contexts. Jo is a Senior Researcher with the African Centre for Migration & Society, University of the Witwatersrand, where she is involved in designing and coordinating research programmes, teaching and supervising graduate students. She has been rated by the South African National Research Foundation as a Promising Young Researcher.
Selected publications:
– Richter ,M., Chersich, M.F., Vearey, J., Sartorius, B., Temmerman, M. and Luchters, S. (2012) Migration Status, Work Conditions and Health Utilization of Female Sex Workers in Three South African Cities Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health doi: 10.1007/s10903-012-9758-4
– Vearey, J. (2012) Sampling in an Urban Environment: Overcoming Complexities and Capturing Differences Journal of Refugee Studies doi: 10.1093/jrs/fes032 – Vearey, J. (2011) Learning from HIV: exploring migration and health in South Africa Global Public Health DOI: 10.1080/17441692.2010.549494
– Vearey, J., Palmary, I., Thomas, L., Núñez L. and Drimie, S. (2010) Urban health in Johannesburg: the importance of place in understanding intra-urban inequalities in a context of migration and HIV Health and Place 16 694 – 702
– Vearey, J. (2010) Hidden spaces and urban health: exploring the tactics of rural migrants navigating the City of Gold Urban Forum 21 37 – 53
contact: jovearey@gmail.comCaroline Wanjiku Kihato, Senior Researcher
Caroline Wanjiku Kihato is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand. In 2011, she received a MacArthur award on Migration and Development and spent a year as a Visiting Fellow at the Institute for the Study of International Migration (ISIM), Georgetown University, Washington DC. Her career has involved both teaching and conducting research in the academy and the non-profit sector in South Africa. Since 2006, she has worked with Urban LandMark as its southern African program coordinator. She was previously a Policy Analyst at the Development Bank of Southern Africa and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Architecture and Planning at the University of the Witwatersrand. She worked for six years as a Policy Analyst at the Centre for Policy Studies. Her research and teaching interests are migration, governance and urbanization in the global South. She holds a MSc in Development Planning (University of the Witwatersrand) and a PhD in Sociology (University of South Africa). Her current work looks at the dynamics of migration, gender, and land markets in Maputo, Zambia, and Nairobi.
Selected publications:
– Kihato C. W, Massoumi M, Ruble B, & Subiros P. (2010) “Urban diversity: Space,culture, and inclusive pluralism in cities worldwide.” Washington DC: JohnsHopkins University Press
– Kihato C. W. (forthcoming), “Migrant women of Johannesburg: Everyday life in an in-between city.” Palgrave MacMillan
Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow
Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon is a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow working with the Migration, Displacement and Health project at the ACMS. Matthew completed his doctorate in Development Studies at the University of Oxford in 2011. The doctorate was a qualitative study focused on the sociality and sustainability of HIV/AIDS treatment in internally displaced communities in Northern Uganda. Matthew is presently undertaking research on health, migration and citizenship in inner-city Johannesburg. Matthew was born and grew up in Johannesburg, completed his BA Honours in Political Studies at Wits, is a recipient of the Rhodes Scholarship, and has also worked as a freelance journalist. He is on the editorial board of Making Sense of Kony, an online resource for those seeking to learn more about conflict, its legacy in Uganda and the LRA- associated violence in Central Africa.