Activities 3 – Johannesburg


In 2014, the second phase of SharingSpace Project began, with European researchers starting to visit partner institutions of the Global South. Between March and July 2014, 6 researchers from Venice and Lisbon will spend a total of 6.5 months as Marie Curie Fellows at theACMS in Johannesburg.

visiting plan:

1) Leonardo Ciacci (IUAV-SSIIM, Venice),  2  March> 27 March 2014
2) Simona Morini (IUAV-SSIIM, Venice), 2 April> 4 May 2014
3) Barbara Ferreira (CEG-IGOT, Lisbon), 18 May> 21 June 2014
4) Marina Carreiras (CEG-IGOT, Lisbon), 20 May> 25 June 2014
5) Paola Piscitelli (IUAV-SSIIM, Venice), 20 May > 9 July 2014
6) Jorge Malheiros (CEG-IGOT, Lisbon), 29 May> 15 June 2014

Among the main activities carried out by visiting researchers during their stay:


25 March 2014 – h.12.30-13.30: Graduate Seminar Room, South West Engineering Building, University of the Witwatersrand, East Campus

ciacci-25-03To understand each other is a condition for the design of actual cities By Leonardo Ciacci

 > Link to the event





8 April 2014 – h. 12.30-13.30: Graduate Seminar Room, South West Engineering Building, University of the Witwatersrand, East Campus

The Agora in Mediterranean cities: inclusive or exclusive public space? by Simona Morini

download PPT presentation

link to the event


27 May 2014 – h.12.30-13.30: Graduate Seminar Room, South West Engineering Building, University of the Witwatersrand, East Campus


Transnational Migrants and Diasporic Territories by Paola Piscitelli

download PPT 

link to the event




5 June 2014, h. 10 am: School of Geography, Archaeology and Environmental Studies (Wits University)

Socio-ethnic segregation in discussion: the case of Lisbon in the (southern) European context By Jorge Malheiros

download PPT presentation


 17 June, – h.12.30-13.30: Graduate Seminar Room, South West Engineering Building, University of the Witwatersrand, East Campus

ferreira_carreiras Locating ‘fresh’ Portuguese immigrants in the post-apartheid era: what is different? By Bárbara Ferreira and Marina Carreiras

download PPT presentation

link to the event





ACMS backed SharingSpace colleagues for organising visits in different sites of the city, according to their research interests, either by directly accompanying them to these places or putting them in contact with key local stakeholders. Among sites visited: Hillbrow, Soweto, Melville, The Central Business District, Diepsloot, Alexandra, Jeppestown, Maboneng precint.

Behind Jo’burg: Taking advantage of the new contacts and networks built up during their stay in Johannesburg, SharingSpace researchers autonomously expanded their area of (inter)action carrying out research and/or networking activities in other cities of South Africa (Cape town) and bordering countries (Maputo in Mozambique)






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