Reframing Urban Cohesion in European Cities

The Diversity Advantage

urgentconference_icoWednesday 7th of June 2017, Aula Tafuri, Palazzo Badoer, San Polo 2468, Venezia

SSIIM UNESCO Chair will host the second international event of the Project “URGENT – Urban Regeneration European Network of Towns“.

Nurtured by the recent flows of international migration, European cities have reached alarming levels of fragmentation and inequality. Low-income and migrant families live in disadvantaged areas where multi-ethnicity add to deprivation and social cohesion becomes difficult to realise. URGENT aims to contrast the growing fear of immigration by adopting a bottom-up approach to promote stronger connections between marginalized neighbourhoods and the overall city.

With the participation of representatives of international organizations as well as of public officers from 5 ‘virtuous’ european cities, the Conference will focus on Urban policies to mainstream the diversity advantage and Urban good practices promoting migrants inclusion.

downoad here the PROGRAMME of the event

Besides panelists, the Ten Delegations from URGENT partner cities will contribute to the debate, including

Local Democracy Agency Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Association of Albanian Municipalities, Albania
SPES – Associazione Promozione e Solidarietà, Roma, Italy
Local Councils’ Association, Marsa, Malta
Fundación Privada Indera, Barcelona, Spain
Municipality of Kumanovo, Republic of Macedonia
European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation Amphictyony, Athens, Greece
Kallipolis, Trieste, Italy
Rede DLBC Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
City of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Municipality of Novo Mesto, Slovenia

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