The lack of decent, affordable housing and the occurrence of informal, illegal, or unsafe housing across all EU Member States poses a threat to social inclusion in the EU, and hinders the mobility of EU citizens and the integration of third-country nationals. However, so far the issue has not been taken up systematically in curricula in higher education across Europe. PusH addresses this gap by creating accessible and engaging learning materials for students and practitioners across Europe and to promote widespread understanding of precarious housing as an urgent political issue of our time.
By bringing together a wealth of international expertise on precarious housing, migration, and urban change in Europe, along with partner third sector organisations, PusH – Precarious Housing in Europe aims to collect and discuss evidence on this growing European-wide phenomenon, make it available for teaching and dissemination in our partner institutions and beyond and to promote widespread understanding of precarious housing as an urgent political issue of our time.
Learning materials > Open access textbook chapters and corresponding e-learning modules on cross-cutting issues around precarious housing, including:
- Commodification of housing and affordability & Eviction and displacement;
- Refugees housing & Precariousness of non-citizens;
- Informal settlement & Homelessness.
Discussion and awareness-raising > three multiplier events to present and discuss the materials and two summer schools for students and lecturers will be organised.
- All chapters and modules are going to be presented at separate multiplier events, in order to discuss and engage with associated partners such as local authorities, policy-makers, CBOs and NGOs.
- Apart from learning about the reasons for, and challenges of, precarious housing more generally, the first summer school in Bulgaria is going to allow students and lecturers to get first-hand impressions of informal housing of the Roma community, while the second summer school in Italy will draw from PusH partner’s experience and networks in the field of refugee migration and integration, both encouraging students and lecturers to engage with local practitioners.
PusH Strategic Partnership unites seven partners bringing together a wealth of international expertise on precarious housing:
- Leuphana University (coordinator) – DK
- SSIIM Unesco Chair of the University Iuav of Venice – IT
- University of Utrecht – NL
- Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences- HR
- Danube University Krems – AT
- Open Society Institute Foundation, Sofia – BG
- University of Durham – UK
36 months (01.09.2019 – 31.08.2022)
European Union – Erasmus+ Programme
(grant no. 2019-1-DE01-KA203-004986)