SSIIM Paper Series Vol. 7
La inmigración en Bolivia, ¿fenómeno social inexistente o invisibilizado? el caso de los peruanos en La Paz y El Alto by Mirko Marzadro Immigration in Bolivia normally is not considered as an issue. The...
La inmigración en Bolivia, ¿fenómeno social inexistente o invisibilizado? el caso de los peruanos en La Paz y El Alto by Mirko Marzadro Immigration in Bolivia normally is not considered as an issue. The...
Not just passing through: international migrants in cities of ‘transit countries’ by Giovanna Marconi Starting from the observation that transit migration became only recently a matter of relevant concern for the discourse on international...
Positioning the Urban in Asia’s International Migration Flows by Michael Leaf Although not without historic precedent, the system of population movements linking the countries of East and Southeast Asia is seen as remarkable for...
Contribuciones para una teoría de la segregación residencial y los mercados étnicos de los inmigrantes en ciudades de América Latina by Tito Alegría In the last decades many cities in Latin America have received...
Practice of citizenship, practice of resistance: Mozambicans in Johannesburg, South Africa by Elena Ostanel With the end of the apartheid regime and despite the strict immigration policies introduced since 1994, the number of foreign...
Conexiones translocales y formación de territorios migratorios. El caso de los cochabambinos de Bérgamo by Mirko Marzadro This paper focuses on the trans-local migration processes from Cochabamba (Bolivia) to Bergamo (Italy). It explores a...
Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants: Local responses to a Global Process by Marcello Balbo download SSIIM PS No.1