Author: adrianocancellieri

Burgas BG Roma Neighbourhood

PusH Summer Schools – Save the dates!

In July 2022, two five-day international Summer Schools on “Precarious Housing in Europe” will take place in Venice (Italy) and Sofia (Bulgaria) as part of the Erasmus+ funded Strategic Partnership “PusH – Precarious Housing in Europe”....


SSIIM Paper Series Vol. 12

Foreign workers in Tel Aviv and political innovation: the redefinition of citizenship in Israel by Caroline Rozenholc Scientific research and daily urban experience show that globalisation increases mobility and contributes to the circulation of norms...


SSIIM Paper Series Vol. 9

Entre el centro y las periferias de la Região Metropolitana de São Paulo: la inserción territorial de los migrantes bolivianos en São Paulo by Iara Rolnik Xavier This paper contributes to a deeper understanding...


DiverCity Workshop

SSIIM Unesco Chair international workshop for young researchers 26-27 March 2012 download the programme download the call for paper (closed) Objectives The overall objective of DiverCity workshop is to promote high quality scientific exchanges among Junior researchers with...

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