INSigHT Action: Gap Analysis workshop in Benin City


On June 10 and 11, 2019 INSigHT Action will convene a workshop in Benin City (Edo State, Nigeria) with relevant Nigerian and international stakeholders* working for countering Human Trafficking (HT), to exchange experiences and approaches while discussing on complementarities and possible synergies.

The aim is to complete a detailed gap-analysis of current initiatives on HT in Nigeria, while also promoting active (trans)national networking.

* Besides the Action Partners, the institutions that will be represented at the workshop include: IOM, DFID, Rep. of TIPSOM Project (UNODC), Expertise France, DAI-MADE, ICMPD Nigeria Office, EU Delegation Representative, NAPTIP (Benin), NAPTIP (Abuja), Edo State Task Force, NACTAL (Network of civil society organisation Against Child Trafficking, Abuse and Labour), University of Benin, Italian Embassy, Girls Power Initiative, IFRA-Nigeria, Nigerian Immigration Service (Benin), Traditional Leader/Ruler (Oba of Benin), Red Cross, Salvation Army, Save the Children International. 

The stage is set for fruitful deliberations and productive outcome!

download here >> the Agenda of the Workshop


Started on April 1, 2019 and running for 18 months, INSigHT Action is funded by the European Union, contracted by ICMPD through the Mobility Partnership Facility. Action Coordinator is SSIIM Unesco Chair, while partner include Nigerian and Italian NGOs very active on the ground.

The Action aims to address the theme of human trafficking (HT) from Nigeria to Italy and Sweden, with focus on recent and less explored trends and target populations, in order to assess the effectiveness of prevention, protection and rehabilitation systems in the three countries, particularly with reference to their capacity to deal with Nigerian female children’s needs. It will produce new knowledge on HT, from the most affected areas of Nigeria to relevant secondary and reverse movements across transit routes in Northern Europe and returns to Nigeria. It will also  design and implement capacity building and awareness raising schemes targeting relevant strategic stakeholders, particularly Law Enforcement Officers.

download here >> the Action info-note




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