INSigHT Partners




SSIIM Unesco Chair, University Iuav of Venice (Lead partner)

The SSIIM UNESCO Chair on the “Social and Spatial Inclusion of International Migrants – urban policies and practices” is a research center established in 2008 at the University IUAV of Venice, with the aim of investigating local policies and practices promoting or preventing the urban inclusion of foreign residents, in both the Global North and South.

Urban governance and space are at the core of the research work carried out at the Chair. On the one hand the focus is on the daily interface between society and space in cities characterized by growing (ethnic, religious, cultural, linguistic, etc.) differences: spatial practices and representations, new forms of appropriation, re-appropriation and claim of urban spaces; diversification of the senses of place. On the other hand, the attention is turned to how policies and politics can have tangible effects on the right to the city for all.


NWA – Nigerian Women Association, Verona/Lagos (Italy/Nigeria)

Nigerian Women Association Verona (NWA) is a registered Voluntary Association, based in Verona (Italy), and operates since 2004. In 2017, NWA established two chapters in Nigeria (in Lagos and Enugu), is registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC/IT/NO/105408).
NWA works in the field of intercultural relations and to foster togetherness amongst Nigerian women and families through exploring networking, educating, empowering and projecting a positive image of Nigeria and her cultural values.
NWA works to promote the integration of Nigerian citizens and families, to provide support and guidance to families, minors and individuals that find themselves in uncomfortable conditions. To support victims of human trafficking in difficulties, through accompaniment to the services of competence and in the pursuit of job opportunities. To collaborate with the Local Authorities and Non-Governmental Organisations in various projects, both national and international level to promote integration processes.

Coop. Equality/Azalea ATI, Padua/Verona (Italy)

EQUALITY Social Cooperative (Padua, Italy) is a non-profit organization of social utility established in Padua in April 2008 with the aim of pursuing the general interest of the community in human promotion and social integration of people in distress and marginalization social with particular attention to people who prostitute themselves, victims of trafficking in human beings for the purpose of sexual or labor exploitation, minors and young adults in specific vulnerable conditions.

The social cooperative Azalea di Pescantina, one of the most significant in the Verona area (Italy), has been active in the fields of primary care, education and culture and inclusion for over 25 years. It counts 480 members (ordinary and voluntary), promotes 70 services on the territory and has as recipients of its services and projects over 20 thousand citizens.
Since 2015 Azalea has faced, a path of profound reorganization, promoted and supported by the assembly of shareholders and members, responding to the solicitations deriving from the reform of the third sector and the social enterprise. This reorganization considers innovation and active inclusive the cornerstones of the cooperative’s vision and action: visions always aimed at  responding effectively and innovatively to the needs of the person and the community. Participatory co-planning of the services is seen as focal, as their recipientsare bearers of knowledge, desires and skills as well as needs.
The team leading the cooperative is all female, with the average age of 40.
Azalea operates in three major fields – primary care, education and culture, inclusion – by offering services to the person (type A) and job placement for disadvantaged people (type B).


Pathfinders Justice Initiative, Benin City/New York (Nigeria/US)

Pathfinders Justice Initiative, Inc.® (PJI) is an international non-government organization dedicated to the prevention of modern-day sex slavery (sex trafficking) and liberation of enslaved women and girls through the direct eradication of root causes. PJI currently works in Nigeria and with Nigerian survivors globally to build a best practices model for the world. PJI is registered and in good standing as an NGO with the Corporate Affairs Commission in Nigeria and as a New York State 501(c)(3) non-profit.


Associazione 2050 (media partner)

The Association 2050 was established in 2011 to foster social innovation and public awareness on the changes that increasing diversity and cultural heterogeneity are bringing to European societies. Quoting from its statute, 2050 aims to contribute to refreshing individual and collective capacities to understand and positively influence the changes and challenges that are transforming our living together.
The main strength of 2050 is its composite galaxy of member experts, coming from different and complementary social and economic fields and active in research, social and economic issues, capacity-building and training, territorial marketing and territorial cooperation.
2050 is a small association, but it can rely, through the extensive experience of its members on positive relations with local, regional and National stakeholders, institutions, authorities, in particular local authorities and educational institutions and civil society.

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