MIMOC – MANAGING INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION IN OUR CITIES. TOOLKIT for the organization of a Good Practice Exchange Module
GIINC – GESTIÓN DE LA INMIGRACIÓN INTERNACIONAL EN NUESTRAS CIUDADES. MANUAL para la organización de un Módulo de Intercambio de Buenas Prácticas

by Giovanna Marconi and Marcela Iglesias

This toolkit provides the background documents and describes the step-by-step organization and implementation of a ‘Good Practice Exchange Module’. The Module is designed to provide participating urban stakeholders with the opportunity of exchanging experiences on: i) the inclusive practices they promote in their everyday making on the field and ii) the main challenges they face in dealing with increasingly diverse urban societies. The overall aim is to learn from each other and for each participant to build on this learning, to identify and elaborate new ideas and tools for their daily work with migrants/migration management.

download here the toolkit (Bilingual English/Spanish) >>


IMPORTANT NOTICE: the download, reproduction and use of the toolkit or parts of it is more than welcome, subject only to give proper credit to the authors and provide SSIIM – – with basic details of the module you will organize

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