Activities1 – Lisbon


Within the framework of SharingSpace Project, between April and July 2013, 6 researchers from Argentina, South Africa and Mexico spent a total of 8.5 months as Marie Curie Fellows at the Centro de Estudio Geográficos del Instituto de Geografia e Ordenamento do Territorio (CEG-IGOT) of the University of Lisbon.

visiting plan:

1) Natália Gavazzo (IDEAS, Buenos Aires), from 2 of April to 29 of June 2013
2) Peter Kankonde (ACMS, Johannesburg), from 1 April to 12 May 2013
3) Alexander Wafer (ACMS, Johannesburg), from 29 April to 29 May 2013
4) Gerado Martinez (Instituto Mora, Mexico City) from 14 of April to 13 of May 2013
5) Leticia Calderón Chelius (Instituto Mora, Mexico City) from 16 June to 15 July 2013
6) Alberto del Castillo (Instituto Mora, Mexico City) from 1 June to 2 July 2013

During their visiting periods, the researchers became familiar with the urban-social innovation research methodologies CEG-IGOT adopts to analyze the social and spatial segregation of international migrants and related issues (conflicts, social cohesion, safety) in urban areas, acquiring new theoretical and methodological approaches and operational tools to analyze the complexity of the contemporary migration process.

Through a series of working meetings and internal seminars the hosting researchers provided the visiting fellows with general overviews and insights on migration-related issues in Portugal and in Lisbon. They also presented to the visiting researchers the main sources and estimating methods of undocumented immigration in Portugal and the policies and practices implemented by the national and local Governments as well as the private sector (NGOs, BCOs) to guarantee the access to welfare services by undocumented immigrants. On their side and on the basis of their own experiences and research perspectives, the visiting researchers also probed into the research work being carried out by CEG-IGOT contributing to its research capacity.

Among the main activities carried out by, and for, the visiting researchers:



Download the Full programme

SharingSpace Researchers presentations:
– “Migration, Social-Fragmentation, and the Building of Social Cohesion through Community Festivals: the Case of St. Patrick Catholic Church’s ‘Festival of All Nations’ in Rosettenville, Johannesburg” (Peter Kakonde)
– “Alterización y desigualdad en Buenos Aires: identificaciones y fronteras en la inserción urbana de los hijos de inmigrantes bolivianos y paraguayos” (Natalia Gavazzo)
– “Passing Time – Geographies and Temporalities of Migrant Men in Johannesburg, South Africa” (Alex Wafer)


Download the full programme

SharingSpace Researchers presentations:
– “Migration, the role of cities, and the action of local governments” (Marcello Balbo – IUAV, Universitá di Venezia)
– “Intercultural cities and the “management” of diversity” (Jorge Malheiros– CES – IGOT)
– “Hijos, jóvenes y desiguales: usos de categorías para el estudio de una generación de descendientes de migrantes bolivianos y paraguayos en Buenos Aires” (Natália Gavazzo)
– “Reflexiones dell proceso migratorio contemporáneo en México, el desafío de pensarse como país de migrantes” (Leticia Calderon Chelius)
– “Las mujeres de xoyep. La historia detrás de la fotografía” (Alberto del Castillo)



SharingSpace visiting researchers delivered the following lectures at the Thematic Seminar 2 of the PhD in Migration of the University of Lisbon
June 7, 2013 – “La migración boliviana y paraguaya a la Argentina a través de las generaciones. identificaciones y participación de los hijos entre la discriminación y el reconocimiento” by Natalia Gavazzo.

May 10, 2013 – “The Portuguese migration to, and Settlement in South Africa: 1510-2013” by Peter Kankonde

May 27, 2013 – “Cosmopolitanism of failure: relationships of reciprocity between immigrants and locals in Hillbrow” by Alex Wafer.

June 27, 2013 – “La experiencia migratoria en Mexico” by Leticia Calderon Chelius


SharingSpace visiting researcher were accompanied by Portuguese colleagues to visit two neighborhoods in Lisbon, significant for migrants’ socio-spatial segregation processes and participatory actions adopted to counter it. Issues related to the use of public space, access to housing as well as ethnic commerce and services were highlighted during the visits.

May 4, 2013: Mouraria, Lisbon inner city

Mouraria_1 Mouraria_2 Mouraria_3

mouraria_4 Mouraria_5 mouraria_6


June 11, 2013: Cova da Moura, suburban area

moura_1 moura_2 moura_3

moura_4 moura_5 MOURA_6

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