La Cattedra Unesco SSIIM, in collaborazione con la Scuola Dottorato Iuav organizza la lezione:

Anthropology of Policy: The case of Latin American migrants in Buenos Aires, Argentina

Prof. Natalia Gavazzo

Docente all’Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM)

Ricercatrice del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Dottoranda all’Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

posternata_icoMercoledi 22 Febbraio 2011 – ore 15.00

aula C2, Badoer

San Polo 2468

30125 Venezia



The aim of the lecture is to provide the students with some of the basic tools of the anthropological approach to improve the comprehension and planning of public policies, specially in urban spaces. For that purpose first it will be examined the historic development of this discipline focusing on some key concepts such as culture. Second it will be exposed the different dimensions of the proposal called “anthropolgy of policy”, articulating it with some of the most acknowledged traditions in the discipline such as political and urban anthropology. Third it will be presented -as an example of all the explained- the case of the Latin American migrants in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Finally it will be proposed to debate some of the aforementioned topics through a guided discussions with key questions which will aim to compare the Argentine and the Italian cases, among other possible examples.

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