UNESCO e le Politiche Urbane Inclusive, 24 Settembre – 1 Ottobre 2009, Nuova Delhi, India

programme.pdf 2014-07-29 12-28-36SSIIM Unesco Chair partecipa alla cinque giorni di eventi sulle “Politiche Urbane Inclusive” che si terranno a Nuova Delhi, india tra i quali:

– Habitat Summit 2009: Towards Alternative Urban Futures for India

– Social Inclusion in Urban Areas: A Comparative Perspective between Italy and India (UNESCO – IIC Lecture)

– Towards Inclusive Society: Urban Policies and Practices (UNESCO – ISS Round-table)

– Social and Sustainable Revitalisation of Historical Urban Areas in India (UNESCO UN-Habitat SPA International Workshop)

per più informazioni: Scarica Programma

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