
Elena Ostanel visiting at CSI, Paris

Elena Ostanel, ricercatrice della cattedra Unesco SSIIM sta svolgendo un periodo di visiting researcher presso il CSI (Centre de Sociologie de l’Innovation) a Parigi. Obiettivo del periodo di ricerca quello di approfondire gli strumenti...


Second Experts Evaluation Meeting

28/29 Aprile 2011, Barcelona (Spagna), UNESCOCAT Offices Within the framework of UN-HABITAT and UNESCO common initiative “Urban policies and creative practices for migrants: inclusive cities for all”, SSIIM Unesco Chair participates to the Second Experts...


Cities of Migration – Webinar

Cities of Migration organizes the Webinar: ‘Community Policing: Finding Common Ground with Immigrant Communities’ April 13, 2011 info and regstration Since 2009 through its monthly webinar series ‘Integration Learning Exchange’, Cites of Migration presents...



La Cattedra Unesco SSIIM, in collaborazione con la Scuola Dottorato Iuav organizza la lezione: Anthropology of Policy: The case of Latin American migrants in Buenos Aires, Argentina Prof. Natalia Gavazzo Docente all’Universidad Nacional de...

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