
URGENT Products

Here you find a collection of the main outputs produced during the project:   City manifesto  City manifesto Handbook  Handbook Survey  SURVEY ANALYSIS: URBAN INCLUSION OF INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS Territorial analyses Albania  TERRITORIAL ANALYSIS –...


il nostro dissenso al decreto sicurezza

La Cattedra Unesco SSIIM esprime il totale dissenso e la propria preoccupazione sul cosiddetto decreto legge su Immigrazione e Sicurezza, approvato all’unanimità dal Consiglio dei Ministri. L’UNESCO, cui l’Italia aderisce da sessant’anni, è stata...


Cities #WithRefugees

On World Refugee Day cities worldwide stand #WithRefugees On World Refugee Day (June 20, 2018), mayors from more than 50 cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Los Angeles, Manchester, Mexico City, New...

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