Autore: giovannamarconi


il nostro dissenso al decreto sicurezza

La Cattedra Unesco SSIIM esprime il totale dissenso e la propria preoccupazione sul cosiddetto decreto legge su Immigrazione e Sicurezza, approvato all’unanimità dal Consiglio dei Ministri. L’UNESCO, cui l’Italia aderisce da sessant’anni, è stata...


Cities #WithRefugees

On World Refugee Day cities worldwide stand #WithRefugees On World Refugee Day (June 20, 2018), mayors from more than 50 cities around the world, including Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Los Angeles, Manchester, Mexico City, New...


URGENT newsletter

Now available URGENT newsletter providing news on the advancements of the project and its local paths, as well as insights on other interesting initiatives actually running in Europe in the field of urban inclusion...

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