VoiceOver Project

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FULL PROJECT TITLE > VoiceOver: Victims of trafficking in human beings support and Empowerment by means of a survivor leaders Engagement model


VoiceOver stems from a self-critical analysis that sees the anti-trafficking system as self-referential, and recognizes that every successful social movement is guided by those directly affected by injustice. For this reason, it invests in building the capacity of anti-trafficking organisations to directly involve survivors in their action, valuing their experience and agency, and supporting their recovery and autonomy by recognizing their role as experts in the field.

To this end, the project will provide anti-trafficking organizations with new knowledge and tools to engage survivors as true partners, and to make their voices heard.

Specifically, the project will:

  • build survivor-informed capacity by training 90 practitioners of anti-trafficking organisations on strategies and methods to safely engage and work with survivor activists
  • empower 20 survivors to participate in the development of anti-trafficking programs, to contribute to the decision-making process and to provide peer support to other survivors
  • provide trauma-informed and gender-sensitive support to 90 trafficked persons through peer-mentoring
  • facilitate the social and labor integration of 60 trafficked persons through peer-based programs
  • raise awareness among anti-trafficking stakeholders about the opportunity to engage survivors, through through the production and dissemination of: a replicable evidence-based model for NGOs; a set of recommendations for policy makers; five podcasts and two international eventsaddressed to practitioners and key stakeholders
  • stimulate a debate within the anti-trafficking on community on proper communication, to speak with dignity and respect about people impacted by human trafficking


  • Coop. Equality, Padua (Italy) – lead partner
  • SSIIM Unesco Chair, Università IUAV di Venezia (IT)
  • MIST (FR)
  • Fondacion Cruz Blanca (ES)
  • Adpare (RO)
  • Payoke (BE)


24 months (01.04.2023 – 31.03.2025)


The European Union, Call AMIF-2022-TF1-AG-THB (Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund 2021-2027)


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