PusH Summer School #1 on precarious housing with a focus on INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS


Organised within the framework of the Erasmus+ strategic partnership PusH, Precarious Housing in Europe, of which the University Iuav of Venice is a partner,  the “PusH Summer School on precarious housing with a focus on INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS” will be held in Venice (Italy) at the Iuav University of Venice (Ca Tron), from 4th to 8th of JULY 2022.

This thematic Summer School on the precarious housing of international migrants is the first one organised by PusH Project and, for Iuav students, it gives right to 4 ECTS (4 CFU, tipologia D). The second edition of the Summer School, with a focus on Roma Settlements, will take place at the Open Society Institute of Sofia (Bulgaria), from the 24th to the 30th of July 2022 (for more info >> go to this link).

Students can decide which Summer School they would like to attend (#1 on international migrants; #2 on Roma Settlements; or both)


The Summer School will involve up to 50 students from the partner universities, which are based in Italy, the UK, Germany, The Netherlands, Hungary, Austria and Bulgaria. Up to 6 Iuav students will be selected to participate  to this summer school.

For the University Iuav of Venice, eligible students are those enrolled in one of the following tracks:

  • triennale in Architettura
  • triennale in Urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio
  • magistrale in Architettura
  • Master degree programme in Architecture
  • Magistrale in Urbanistica e pianificazione del territorio (MS in Urban Planning for Transition + Urbanistica e Pianificazione per la Transizione)

For Iuav students the participation to the summer school will be recognized as intensive workshop and will be granted with 4 ECTS (4 CFU type D).


The Summer School #1 aims to provide students with a general understanding of precarious housing in Europe, with a focus on international migrants. The PusH strategic partnership has developed a set of teaching materials to help students understand that the lack of adequate, affordable housing and the occurrence of informal, illegal, or unsafe housing across all EU Member States poses a threat to social inclusion and cohesion, and hinders the integration of third-country nationals.
The summer school will be articulated in lectures, group work and practical activities, including debates with practitioners and activists, meetings with NGOs supporting migrants through innovative solutions, field visits to good practices for the promotion of migrants’ access to adequate housing in Parma and in Venice.

Key topics:

  • Housing precariousness for migrants
  • Structural barriers to adequate housing
  • Learning from NGOs and activists: housing trajectories and stories
  • Project facilitating access to housing
  • Housing projects

Expected Learning Outcomes:
Students will acquire knowledge about the challenges precarious housing poses to contemporary European cities and the strategies for building more equitable, just and inclusive urban environments; They will develop their skills to read – critically and independently – the difficulties people with migrant background face in finding and accessing adequate housing, and the urban policies and practices facilitating (or hindering) their social and spatial inclusion. Last but not least, they will have the opportunity to develop their communication and professional skills in an international study context, in which they will be required to communicate effectively with other students and teachers from different backgrounds, work effectively in groups for common problems solving, and communicate the results of their work in field diaries.


Application has to be submitted no later than May 13, 2022 by filling this form 

Please note that credits will be granted only to those students who will attend ALL the 5 days of the summer-school, and only upon delivery of the field diary.


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