PusH Summer Schools – Save the dates!

In July 2022, two five-day international Summer Schools on “Precarious Housing in Europe” will take place in Venice (Italy) and Sofia (Bulgaria) as part of the Erasmus+ funded Strategic Partnership “PusH – Precarious Housing in Europe”. Students from our consortium are invited to work interactively on one of the most relevant social challenges of our time and to discuss it with experts and other students. Participation is free of charge and costs for travel, accommodation and stay can be supported by project funds. The Summer School are open to students of all BA and MA levels.


The economic and financial crisis ten years ago led to wage cuts and rising unemployment in many places, while the global banking crisis and the bursting of the Real estate bubble were accompanied by forced evictions, especially in Southern Europe. Ongoing austerity programs have further cut the supply of affordable housing. With the influx of refugees, among others, the situation has worsened in many European cities. In the absence of short-term policy solutions, there is evidence that many affected people rely on informal forms of housing. These include temporary tent cities, overcrowded housing, or housing built without the necessary permits or legal right to use the land.

Contents and dates

Especially migrants and ethnic minorities often live in precarious housing conditions in Europe. This hits refugees and the particularly discriminated group of Roma the hardest. The latter live in their countries of origin predominantly in informal, isolated dwellings, without connection to the public infrastructure and contact to other population groups. The two Summer Schools will each focus on one group and the structural conditions that have contributed to the precarization of their housing conditions.

Both summer schools will involve a mixture of workshops and lectures as well as field trips allowing participants to meet with affected communities and engage with local stakeholders. In addition to the lectures, group work, and field trips planned for both events, students are welcome to present and have their own projects (e.g., qualifying papers) discussed if they wish. The working language will be English.

Venice, July 4-8, 2022

The Summer School will be hosted by  the University Iuav of Venice and will focus on housing conditions of migrants and refugees in Europe. It will tackle local policies and practices promoting or preventing the urban inclusion of foreign residents, refugees in particular.

For more details and link to the application form >> go here

Download here some preliminary insights on >> the PusH Summer School on precarious housing with a focus on INTERNATIONAL MIGRANTS

Sofia, July 24-30, 2022

This Summer School is organized by the Open Society Institute in Sofia (Buolgaria) and addresses the precarious, informal housing conditions of the Roma minority in Europe.

For more details and link to the application form >> go here

Download here some preliminary insights on >> the PusH Summer School on precarious housing with a focus on ROMA SETTLEMENTS


Application for Iuav Students will open soon! To STAY TUNED >> visit this page

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