Seminar on Intercultural urban planning and place-making

IC_ico21-22 Giugno 2012. Palazzo Badoer, Venezia

SSIIM Unesco Chair hosts Council of Europe Intercultural Cities programme event on intercultural urban planning and place making . The event will convene leading academics (including Marcello Balbo, SSIIM Chairholder; Noha Nasser from London, Sandeep Agrawal, director of the graduate program in Urban Development, Ryerson University, Toronto; Dean Saitta, director of the Urban Studies Program at the University of Denver; Marc Glaudemans, Dean of the Academy of Architecture and Urbanism in Tilburg, The Netherlands), and practitioners from cities within the Intercultural Cities network. The aim of the seminar is to highlight and share some good practice principles and practices which will lead to positive innovations in our diverse urban spaces.

ORGANIZERS: Marcello Balbo and Giovanna Marconi

scarica il PROGRAMMA


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